Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snowy Day Comforts

Last night, we got about 2 inches of snow.  Today, they are calling for 5 to 8 more, as a ballpark estimate.

Our newly adopted kitty, Sheldon, is thrilled with the cat perch that we have placed in front of the sun room windows with a nice view of the bird feeders.

Yesterday evening, I made a double batch of meatballs and sauce for a teacher potluck at school.  No school today, so part of that double batch of meatballs, along with some hoagie buns and cheese, will be going home with the fellow who is now shoveling our sidewalk and driveway.  Hooray for sharing!

The roads are awful today.  Since they called off school, the snow plows are concentrating on the main highway, leaving folks in town to fend for themselves.  With more snow on the way, I am awfully glad we are well stocked and inside for the day.

Prayers and good thoughts would be very much appreciated for my Papa, Wilbur Hardin.  He's had a very tough year, and had to undergo surgery yesterday.  Last year, we lost my Mama (his wife of more than 70 years, and no that is not a typo) and my Aunt Mary Ann (his youngest daughter, only 8 years older than me), so whatever comfort can be given to him through good thoughts and prayers, I would appreciate it.

My dad called late yesterday to let me know he had come through surgery fairly well -- amazing for a man of over 90 -- but that today and tomorrow would tell us how things were going to go.  Given the approaching snowstorm, dad didn't want me driving all the way in just to sit at the hospital, but it is tough worrying from here.

Today is going to be about finding comforts as we can.

Our house is cozy, my family is loved and cared for, we have rescued a tiny kitty from some seriously bad weather and given him a home with his very own pooch for playing, and we are helping to feed a family that could use a hand:  that's an excellent start.

(Photo of Sheldon sitting on top of the cat perch, watching the delicious-looking birdies outside by Christy Hardin Smith.)

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