Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bits and Pieces

(Why oh why are my YouTubes not showing up until you click through to read more?)

I'm too exhausted for a serious and thoughtful post today.  So I'm going to do a bit of a link around.  I have a feeling that a nap is in my future, even after a night where I got 12 hours of glorious sleep.

It's amazing how drained you get after an emotional loss, isn't it?   

-- Steve Perry is a Giants fan.  (YouTube)  Who knew?  Although I guess I should have known, given the context of the Journey song "Lights." (Youtube)

-- This is like Andy Worhol gone tragically, horribly wrong in the lingerie aisle, isn't it?

-- Amusing.  But perhaps only if you love British period films and Harry Potter.

-- If I never again get a political robocall in this lifetime, it will be too soon.  Yes, it is Election Day on Tuesday.  Yes, I do plan on voting.  Yes, I'm already aware of the candidates, issues, and bond measures on my local ballot -- and I've made up my mind for whom I am voting already.  No, I'm not voting early because I like to take my daughter to my polling place to vote with me so that she learns citizen participation is important and worth making an effort to do it -- we talk about democracy on our walk over every year, and I love it.  As you can see, I take citizenship very seriously -- and I can actually pronounce the names of the candidates in my district, which you, live person who called my home just yesterday?  You need to work on that a lot.  So stop calling my house.

We got home in the wee hours of Friday morning to 11 phone messages, 8 of which were political calls.  Yesterday?  We got 7 more.  And I've already started this morning with 2.  For the love of all that is holy, stop calling my phone, people -- I'm voting on Tuesday.

-- That sound you hear?  It is I. F. Stone rolling over in his grave and sobbing along with Edward R. Murrow.  Actual journalism is dead.  It's been replaced by infotainment disguised as a puerile, watered-down reflection of Lady Gaga's meat suit for the masses.  Send in the clowns lions.

-- Speaking of Harry Potter...pumpkin juice, anyone?  Festive.

-- This is definitely going on the menu for a try at our house.  Yummmmmm.

-- Thought the day might seem a little better by starting with The Beatles.

So, what's new with you?

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