Thursday, June 24, 2010

Out Walking

The Peanut and I are headed out for a walk by the river in a local park this morning.

She's been begging for one, because the ducks and geese like to hang out there and we always have fun watching them along with the other birds and squirrels.  But, alas, the weather has not cooperated thus far this summer.

Until today.

We have thunderstorms impending for this afternoon, so we are headed out the door early to get this walk today, come hell or high water.

The only big question?  Whether we take the puppy along as well.

I tend to prefer solitary walks in terms of stirring the creative juices.  I am, after all, a major hermit when it comes to craving quiet.

Taking a seven year old on a walk is anything but quiet, as the parents out there know well. 

But it's so fun to see the world through her new eyes, to be peppered with nature questions and happy chatter, that I don't really care about the loss of quiet thinking time any more.  Most days anyway.  So what's an extra-frisky doggie added into the mix other than something fun to watch along the way?

Most of the walking area is shaded with the gorgeous, old trees.  If we go early, the heat and humidity won't be too oppressive.  Which means I can get in some exercise without having to suffer too much for it.  (Have I convinced myself it will be fun yet?  What do you think?)

Hope your day is full of little adventures, too. 

(Lovely, evocative shot via Matt McGee.  Why can I not get that Patsy Cline classic, Walkin' After Midnight (YouTube), out of my head?)

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