Monday, April 19, 2010

Doggie Doo Doo And The Joys Of Carpet Shampooing

It's been one of those weekends where we have been barely clinging onto sanity and sleep here.

PJ, our 13 year old miniature dachshund, has begun to show her age with some exceptionally funky doo doo that started getting a bit bloody.  Never a good sign.

To top it off, it all started at about 2:00 am Saturday morning, in the hallway outside our bedroom.

Hello, carpet shampooer marathon weekend of joy.

PJ has been my baby for years.  We've had her since before The Peanut was ever born, and she got me through some rough miscarriages before we got lucky and pregnant.

And then she stayed with me on the bed every day while I was on bedrest through my pregnancy, nuzzling my hand with her cold, wet nose whenever I was the least bit worried after we almost lost The Peanut in the early weeks.  She was pure love in a tiny, furry bundle, and just what I needed for comfort in those days, and I love her for it.

She has been my company and my heart, and loved me so steadfastly, giving me that adoring gaze from my lap as she gets ear scratches.

Here's hoping things are easily mended.  We go to the vet this afternoon, so please keep your fingers crossed and a few prayers in mind for us.

(Yes, I know a ladybug on a crocus flower petal has little to do with the subject of the post.  But you really didn't want to see a picture that did, honestly, did you?  Gorgeous shot via nutmeg66.)


Prairie Sunshine said...

What a joy to find your blog! Have thought of you much during the recent sadness for WVa miners.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Hey there! Good to see you. Things have been busy here, just keeping up with regular life. We were on a trip to Williamsburg when the mining accident happened -- it was such a tragedy, and something that hit the whole state pretty hard given the scope of the loss.