Monday, November 3, 2014

Frost Is On The Pumpkin

We woke up this morning to a nice, icy coating of frost on the windowpanes and the ivy and grass outside.  When I took Roxie out for her morning constitutional, the world was shimmering as the grass crunched beneath her paws, and all I could think about was trying to get her to hurry so I could run inside and grab my camera before the sun began to peak over the tops of the trees across the street.

Frost is a tough thing to photograph, especially a light frost like this one was, for it melts away swiftly and leaves no trace of its crystalline beauty behind beyond a little dampness in the wake of the sun's warmth.

Mercifully, for me anyway, the dog was quick this morning. 

Here are some more shots of bits and pieces.  Let's start first with the ivy:

This is how the grass looked.  You can see drops of dew, frozen at the very tips of the blades of grass as the temperature dropped to just the right point at just the right time last night. 

At this point, the sun began to come up and things began to melt.  It was a fun 5 minute photography excursion while it lasted, though.

(All photos by Christy Hardin Smith.  Please do not use without express permission and a link to this blog.)

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