Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tripping Out?

We have begun making reservations for what we hope will be a wonderful family trip.  But our track record with this has not been great -- something always comes up to scuttle the vacation, and we'd like to avoid that and actually get to go this time if at all possible.

The last couple of days, I have been wrapping up my classroom, packing away textbooks and extraneous bits and generally getting things put away and stored for summer.  It has meant a lot of toting and packing and more dust than you can imagine, and I am exhausted from it.   But while this has been going on, my mind has been roaming on the possibilities of places we can visit along the way on our drive.

One of the places we are hoping to go is Carlsbad Caverns.  But the itinerary is still on the flexible end of the planning stages, so I'll spend a chunk of today firming all of that up and making reservations where I can.

The whole thing is daunting, but we could all use a vacation.  An escape from the every day would be lovely for all of us, I think, especially after the last year and a half of breast cancer treatment and worries for me and everyone else. 

Guess it is time to start the packing list, eh?

If you have taken a big family driving vacation, what are the things that you absolutely, positively, definitely would make sure that you would pack again?  Do tell!

(Photo of Carlsbad Caverns via Marcus Calderon.)


Anonymous said...

Last summer we drove from LA to Seattle and back, half camping and half cities. The year before we road tripped to Kansas. We've discovered that family friendly books on tape help pass the time -- we're still doing something together and able to look at the scenery at the same time, instead of watching a screen or having noses stuck in books. We check a bunch out of the library before we go, and have done all the Harry Potter books, Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of Homer P Figg, and several of the books that are part of our school curriculum.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

We have been looking at several books on tape for the drive -- love them! The tricky part is not going to be finding some that we all want, but rather being able to narrow down our choices to just a few. We are big readers in this house, and I can only imagine how much fun we are all going to have with this. Am trying to wrap my brain around packing, and I think I've come up with a system for laundry that will work for us, but we haven't attempted a trip this big in scope for a long, long time. I keep reminding myself that there will be stores along the way if we get desperate or forget anything, but still it is a lot of logistics to wrestle into submission.