Friday, May 31, 2013

Walk This Way?

This morning, because I finally felt like a little movement, The Peanut and I walked over to school so that she could start her day with a nice walk...and so could I.

Exercise has been a bit of a conundrum for me the last couple of weeks.  I've been told movement is good, but not to overdo it.  When I feel like resting, I am to rest, because my body probably needs it.

But make sure you get some regular exercise.

Unless, of course, you feel like you need rest.

Arrrrrgh.  So confusing.  Sitting still all the time, though, makes me feel even more lethargic and blah, so I have decided for my own sanity and well-being that some form of daily exercise -- even when I feel like crapola -- needs to be part of my day to day.

If for no other reason than to slosh the remaining poison around the bend and out, this is really important.  But more than that, I desperately need the endorphins that even a gentle two and a half block walk over to school, and then back the same distance again to the house, can give me.

The beauty of our walk over to school is that we get to pass by a wall of gorgeously perfumed, heavily blooming honeysuckle bushes.  The air is thick with their scent and deliciousness, and we all paused to drink it in for a moment...and then Roxie did her business and ruined the whole drinking in the scent experience.

Isn't that always the way?

In any case, movement needs to be a daily thing for me.  But there are going to be days when even walking a bit is too much.  I'm thinking some gentle yoga or stretching would be a good plan for those days, maybe I can add in a little resistance band work when I'm up to it, right?

The key here is going to be listening carefully but not babying myself.  That is a tough thing to balance sometimes, isn't it?  Anyone who has been down this road and has advice -- or workout video recommendations -- I'd love to hear it.

(Fantastic photo via themactep.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers of healing your way.