Monday, December 19, 2011

Whither Winter's Snows?

We had a few bits of snow over the weekend, just enough to whet The Peanut's appetite for winter but not enough to cover much of anything for long.

It was a fleeting reminder of winter, and then it was gone.

The weather this year has been funky.  It feels like it wants to snow, but the temperatures have been too warm to sustain it.  And although the birdies and the squirrels are loving it, I'm with The Peanut and wistfully hoping for some snow before Christmas Eve.

I guess I really am dreaming of a White Christmas.  How cliche.

Most of the family Christmas presents have been exchanged, and everything else is wrapped and tucked under the tree, so all we have to do now is get through the week and wait for the jolly old elf.  That's no mean feat when you are eight years old and patience is definitely not one of your stronger virtues, let me tell you.

We have a lot to be thankful for this year.  And I've tried to carve out some time lately to savor it -- but the frenzy of the holidays, rushing from here to there for family and friendly gatherings, meeting folks for celebratory dinners and whatnot? 

All the holiday gaiety is wearing me out.

In the coming days, I wish everyone much joy and contentment, and most of all some moments of peace.  Something tells me I'm not the only one feeling rushed and frenzied this time of year. 

I'm going to take some time today to figure out how to carve a little breathing space into our house in the coming days.  If I come up with any good solutions, I'll let you know.

Something tells me a good, thick blanket of snow would slow things down for everyone just a bit.  Except Santa, of course.  How could that possibly be a bad thing?

(Photo via Dazzan.)

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