Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bah! Humbug?

It just isn't Christmas without it. The Alastair Sim version of A Christmas Carol is my all time favorite, followed closely by The Muppet Christmas Carol and the Patrick Stewart version, which we don't currently own but I am going to have to buy it and soon, because Patrick Stewart is a genius and I love watching him in this film and it doesn't get shown nearly enough on television any more.

We have yet to watch any of them this year. But that will be remedied this week. Or else.

Can you tell Christmas Carol is my favorite?  I also love How the Grinch Stole Christmas (cartoon version, thank you very much) and Charlie Brown Christmas.

What are you watching this time of year? Do tell...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Christy! Your name was mentioned over at FDL this am, and you are always missed at Christmastime. This post shows well why that the way you celebrate holidays (the cookie post, as well).
No functioning dvd or even vhs so I'm stuck w/ TCM - last Fri"The Bishop's Wife" and "Christmas in Connecticut," 2 of my faves. Ahhhh.

Sorry to hear about your surgery. You really deserve an easier life. So glad you have the Peanut to give such obvious joy. Merry Christmas to you and all the family.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Hey Cheryl -- we all watched Muppet Christmas Carol and The Grinch this evening. Yay! I love both, so I'm a very happy momma. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's hard to beat Muppet Christmas Carol for sheer Christmas joy!