Saturday, November 19, 2011

Everything's Coming Up Roses (She Types Hopefully)

So there, melanoma.

My surgeon ended the surgery yesterday on a cautiously optimistic note, telling Mr. ReddHedd that he's hopeful we'll get better news from this pathology report, but cautioning that we won't know for certain until we get it back.  But they were able to get clean margins with a slightly larger incision area, which is very good news indeed.

So, the surgery went well.  Am predictably sore and exhausted, even with all the sleep from yesterday, but am actually feeling relieved now that this part of the process is done.

I'm not out of the woods entirely until we get the full pathology report back and find out what stage things are at, but I'm feeling much more hopeful today than I have for a while.  It's funny how the word "cancer" can just knock you mentally back when it gets applied to you.

Whatever it takes though?  I am going to beat this thing into submission.  So there.

And yesterday was a great first step in that process.

Thank you so much, everyone, for all the support and love.  It means the world.

(YouTube is the great Patti LuPone singing "Everything's Coming Up Roses" from Gypsy at the 2008 Tony's.  Felt right this morning...)


Santa Rosa New School Aikido said...

So glad you're feeling stronger and more hopeful. Holding you and yours in my meditations every day.

Maureen said...

Hi Christy...Thank God for the great news. Prayers work and can be a great help to the patient. Let's hope your doctor is right and his feelings are on target that this thing will be gone! You might have to have some Chemo or radiation to kill any other cells, but in the end you should be fine. I had a friend last year that went thru the same scare but she is now doing very well..last scan.... nothing at all! And the kind she had usually does not come back!! Now she has a small tumor in her breast and it has been shrunk and it is coming out after Thanksgiving....and hopefully this will be end of it. It has been a tough year for her, but like you, she is strong and does what the Dr. tells her and all has worked out. So my friend...follow your doctor's orders andsuggestions and in the end you will be ok I am sure Bill is thrilled and the peanut can just tell her you will be out very soon and all will be well. Don't have to tell her anything serious. The prayers will continue for you and just keep us informed. Luv ya! Maureen

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Thanks, Laura -- thus far, things are healing nicely and life is back to mostly normal. It's just waiting for the doc appointment on Tuesday at this point and hoping for a good pathology report...

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Thanks, Maureen -- so glad that you friend is doing well, that is wonderful news. We are hoping for an equally optimistic prognosis -- mostly because I refuse to allow anything less, and my fiesty side will absolutely will that into being if necessary.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Thanks, Tracy! :)