Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tackling The Dust Bunnies

Honestly, when you have begun your day by cleaning out the cat box, it really can only go up from there.  Right? 

This morning, after receiving some excellent advice from my friend T (waves to T), and after I'd gotten The Peanut off to school and Mr. ReddHedd out to the office so that the bustling morning of our household had settled into a peaceful silence, I sat down with a nice cuppa coffee, a notepad and a pen.  And made a long list of "to do" items that have been bugging me.

Per my pal's advice, I then went back through the list and crossed out the things that really did not need to be tackled immediately -- the nitpicky stuff that could wait for later.

Am now about to embark on morning of tidying, cleaning and generally straightening up so that my upcoming weekend can be more relaxing and less an annoying ride through "why is mom so crabby" land.  We'll all be happier for it, I'm sure.

After I get the bulk of my to do's done today (say that out loud 10 times really quickly -- I dare you!), I'm going to sit down again and come up with a working list of family chores so that we are all doing something on a regular basis.

It's my not-so-subtle plan for more order and less homefront chaos.

Given how much of my time is wrapped up in the library in any given week, and then toss in the time I spend running The Peanut around to various activities and dance classes and such, and it truly is a wonder that we eat any healthy food at all, let alone have clean undies.

How on earth do people with full time jobs, multiple kids and any number of other important things to deal with manage to cling to any level of sanity at all?  I have one child and a manageable schedule and I'm worn out from trying to juggle everything.  If I could find my own version of Alice, I'd hire her in a heartbeat...and it would be worth the money.  But a good Alice is hard to find.  And, quite frankly, I'm so much of a hermit that it is difficult for me to deal cheerfully with someone coming into the house so often and invading my space.

So, what's a girl to do?  Get up from in front of the computer and tackle the dust bunnies.

(Photo via 1024greenstreet.)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yay, you! I am so proud of you!