Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let's Tour The Library!

Welcome to the new library at The Peanut's school!  Consider this a true labor of love for me. 

For the most part, I've finished the bulk of the decor and shelving of books -- there is still a lot of work to be done, but small people can, at least, enjoy the library from the very start of school tomorrow.

It's a miracle, believe me, but I'm just so glad and grateful that the kids get to walk in tomorrow to a whole new, grand, exciting world of books.  I'm so excited for them and to share this with them.

In any case, I'll start with the entrance and walk you through the grand tour:

Behold, the door that is doubling as a bulletin board.  I bought the cool letters because they looked very Dr. Seuss, but made the "books" with some thicker scrapbook paper and a little clipart and glue stick magic.  If anyone is interested, I'll put together a "step by step" post and show you how I made them after school gets underway.  It was very easy.

As you enter the library doors, you see this:

Pardon the bulletin board leaning against the reference desk -- I haven't gotten it hung back up on the wall just yet.  Can you see the little surprise at the opposite end of the counter, though?  My special favorites are the library dinos that The Peanut and I put together.  They help to guard the reference desk:

It's a bit of a colorful mishmash, but the Sesame Street decals are in the little kids area, and Harry Potter and pals are right in the center of the entrance on the opposite wall -- they sort of draw you in and forward.

Then, I have set up another display to pull the kids in the door further, putting out some great books and a couple of characters from Alice in Wonderland to make the whole thing pop.

If you look closely, you'll see that several leftovers from The Peanut's 7th birthday party that was Alice in Wonderland themed made it into the library.  I'm so, so glad that I saved all the plush toys and the big Mad Hatter hat, because they are a hoot in the library space.

The rest of the decor is a bit of this and that, but I think the kids will enjoy the reading nooks in a couple of the corners.  Take a stroll around and see...but you'll have to wait for the next post to see it, so I don't overload the folks on slower connections.  TTFN...

(All photos by Christy Hardin Smith.)

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