Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Odds And Ends

Today is errand day for me -- lots to do, drop off, sort out and such that I put off over the weekend while we were doing family stuff together.  Funny how things pile up when you aren't actively tending them, isn't it?

In any case, here are a few odds and ends that have been occupying me of late:

-- New favorite breakfast:  a whole wheat bagel thin (Have you discovered these yet?  I love them!), toasted and topped with a 1 oz., single-serving container of Weight Watchers lowfat cream cheese and some smoked salmon.  Delicious, easy and not so calorie-filled and awful that I feel sluggish after eating it.  Yay!

--  Funds for school lunch programs for the poor are getting cut here, there and everywhere.  As I've said before many times, childhood nutrition is essential to developing brains and these kids did not ask to be born into poor and struggling families.  If they aren't being fed at school, most of them are going hungry, and where does that leave them in the long run?  Even further behind.  Desperation is not exactly an excellent start for a lifetime, now is it?

-- I do not understand these Real Housewives people.  Superficiality mystifies me, always has.  But what I really don't understand?  Is why anyone would watch them and want to be like them. Plasticity and shallowness?  Not something to aspire to in my book, but maybe that's just me. 

-- Oooh, Tosca Reno has a couple of new books coming out this year -- yay, more yummy, healthy recipes!

The Eat-Clean Diet Stripped: Peel Off Those Last 10 Pounds!, and

The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook 2: More Great-Tasting Recipes That Keep You Lean

Can't wait!

--  This snapshot article on Little Italy in NYC is a treat to read.  And the Di Palo's store they talk about apparently ships, too.  Mangia!

-- This sounds like it would make for a fun coupla hours next time we are in NYC, too.   Fun for me, the foodie, anyway.

-- I made a variation of this Cajun-baked tilapia recipe over the weekend, and it was seriously yummy.  Served it with some baked oven fries, and we ate it up!  

So, what's catching your eye today?

(Photo via StefanosP.  Lovely!)

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