Not enough coffee in the entire world to wake me up this morning, I'm afraid. I blame it on too many episodes of Battlestar Galactica
This week? The health eating has continued, and we are moving away from Phase One of the South Beach Diet
Spent part of the weekend going back through some of my healthier cookbook faves:
-- The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook: Great-Tasting Recipes That Keep You Lean
-- The Best of Clean Eating: Over 200 Mouthwatering Recipes to Keep You Lean and Healthy
-- Eating For Life
-- Mediterranean Light: Delicious Recipes from the World's Healthiest Cuisine
-- Cooking Light Fresh Food Fast: Over 280 Incredibly Flavorful 5-Ingredient 15-Minute Recipes
I have several more that I like as well, but you get the idea: healthy, whole foods in correct portion sizes that I cook from scratch.
It's always better for me to figure out what I'll be making for meals ahead of time, or at least have some idea based on what we have in the house and what I can find fresh at the store. And, honestly, I just love reading through cookbooks, so this part is kind of fun for me.
Plus, it's the way we ought to have been eating all along.
I lost another pound this week, bringing my total to 8 pounds lost thus far. Yippee!
And not too shabby considering the weather outside is still freezing, icy and nasty (albeit with a tiny thaw the last day or so, which I am not going to get used to since we have another storm on the way), making any walking outside next to impossible. This week, I hope to add in some light exercise, test out how my burned leg will react to it, and take that next step toward getting healthier. I'm not ready to go whole hog Body for Life
So far though? I'm pretty happy will how things have gone. But I need regular exercise to kick it up to the next level, and so that's what I'll work on this week.
We got a new file cabinet for the house as well to help with the clutter control and organization. Too many things get put in too may random places, so I'm going to consolidate paperwork anyway into a more organized whole.
So far, so good on the clutter. Repeat after me: it didn't show up in the house in a day, you can't expect to get it all out in a day either. But I'm sure trying.
How have things been going with your own goals? Still making progress, however small? If so, please share! And if not? Please share that, too -- we've all been there, and maybe someone has had to deal with the very problem you have wrestled with this week.
(Photo via pjguyton2002.)
WTG on letting go of 8 pounds so far! Very nice!
Today, I sort of totally blew it on the eating in anticipation of a minor procedure I had to have done, but when it's being done on me, "minor" sort of loses its comfort compared to a hot fudge sundae. It turned out that it was, indeed, a very minor procedure!
I did clean out my closet yesterday. I would like to say that I got rid of lots of stuff, but I only have about a half dozen things in the "give away" pile. The rest is very much organized, though, and it was a pleasure choosing clothes for today.
Sharon, isn't it amazing how just making one little change -- rearranging your closet so you can actually find things instead of grazing through a haphazard jumble - can make such a HUGE difference?
Today, The Peanut and I rearranged our living room a little and cleared out excess clutter from all of our flat surfaces (which tend to be book collection points at our house). I had purchased a couple of new lamps and wanted the living room spiffy for Mr. ReddHedd to see when he got home, and for all of us to enjoy this evening.
It's made such a huge difference, just one little perfectly spic and span room. Amazing how that shift in perspective makes every other move from here seem more than possible.
And yes, I'm right there with you on that chocolate fudge concept. *g*
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