Monday, September 27, 2010

Girl's Day Out

Off for a new haircut and a bit of relaxation in the process.

Funny how some time in a salon and a few snips of the scissors can be so relaxing, isn't it?

Perhaps a stop at Starbucks on the way for a tasty latte to sip while I get my snip.

We'll see...

UPDATE:  Here's something close to the new haircut, albeit mine is red and not blonde, and I'm not nearly as dolled up as Renee Zellweger.  But you get the picture.

What I'm trying to grow it into is this, Salma Hayek's newer wavy, shoulder-length do

Her hair seems thick like mine, and this would give me some pull back options along with letting it stay down and wavy on its own.  I've had it shorter for a couple of years now, and I'm in the mood for a change.

We'll see if I make it. 

I hate the in between stage with my bangs -- falling in my face and getting stuck on my eyelashes.   There has to be a better way to manage heavy bangs as they grow out, but I have no idea what it is other than to endure them until they can be tucked back behind your ear.

That'll be at least another month of growing for me.

(Photo via Todd Jones Photography.  Like the blur here -- it's kinda kicky.)

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