Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cleaning Sucks

Cleaning sucks.

The house has gotten messy because my attention has been elsewhere with the school furniture move and about 80 bazillion other things ahead of cleaning on my "to do" list.

Given how busy we have all been the last few weeks, it is a wonder we have any clean dishes in the entire house.  And yet?  That is the one thing we seem to have kept up with, but everything else went all to hell.

Even procrastinating by writing this post in the midst of cleaning off my desk isn't making it better.

Oh well.  Tomorrow morning, I will wake up to a lovely, clean and shiny house.  And all of this will be worthwhile.  Even the griping.

Isn't that always the way, though?  The thing that is irritating to do but is actually good for you makes you feel better in the end, whether or not you enjoy the actual doing of it.  If only cleaning were as marvelous as eating a fabulous dark chocolate truffle or really great sex.

But it isn't.  Cleaning sucks.

That is all.

(Photo via spengy.  Take a peek at the larger original and see the lovely details of the broom straws and the light.  Nice shot.)

1 comment:

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Well, I was right about one thing last night: waking up to a clean and lovely house was awfully nice this morning. But I overdid it, and am tiredly sipping my coffee this A.M. and plotting how to keep all my flat surfaces from being taken over by crap so I don't have to do this sort of intensive cleaning going forward. Any strategies on enlisting the aid of small children and exhausted husbands would be much appreciated.