Friday, July 30, 2010

Day O' Yard Sale

We had a yard sale today -- and tomorrow! -- for the Peanut's school to raise funds for construction costs and other improvements that the school needs.

They are currently doing construction work outside, fixing bricks that were loosened by the freezing and thawing through last year's very bad winter.  But there is a lot of other structural work that needs done inside as well.

And, as we all know, that takes some cash.

The Peanut attends a Catholic school (although we aren't Catholic ourselves, it's a great school) and the parish priest who also ministers to the school let us use his front yard and parking area for the sale.   He's such a  sweetie.

Today's odd moment?  We caught someone shoplifting.

Talk about yer bad karma.

Shoplifting on church property from a sale raising funds to help an elementary school has to come back to bite you at some point, doesn't it?   The sad thing is that if this person needed the clothes, we would have given them to her outright had she only asked at any point.  We probably would have given her a $25 dollar credit to spend on whatever she needed, you know?

But stealing from kids?  Unacceptable.

Speaking of the kids, they ran a lemonade stand that turned a nice profit as well.  They worked their little behinds off and were adorable.

It's been a long, hot, sweaty, and exhausting day.  But worth it -- we raised some good money for the school.  Yay!

This evening, I'm taking The Peanut to a birthday party for one of her classmates.

And tomorrow morning?  It's up at the crack of dawn again to help with another day of yard sale.  Whew!  Anyone who tells you motherhood is a breeze is a big ole liar.  (Or "mistaken" as the kids have to say at school, since they aren't allowed to call each other liars.  LOL)

More here...

(Photo via RussellReno.  Love this sign.)

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