Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Down The Rabbit Hole

No big surprise here.

We've been watching the Tim Burton and Johnny Depp version of Alice in Wonderland.

The Peanut is particularly fond of the Cheshire Cat.  And the mad tea party scene with its kick ass dormouse.

Go figure.

I, on the other hand, like the background visuals as much or more than the characters.

The scene with the flowers is particularly stunning.  As are the toadstools (see also here with rushing bandersnatch) and the red queen's court.

The Peanut has been waiting and waiting for the most recent version of Alice in Wonderland to come out on DVD.  Now that it has, we'll likely be watching it over and over again.  Just like we have every other version we own for the last 7 years and counting.

Is it time for tea?

(Picture from the original John Tenniel illustrations.)

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