Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pen To Paper

This week has flat out sucked.

The school my daughter attends is a private Catholic school, and they may have to close due to issues with their current building (although alternative facilities are being sought, so cross your fingers because we love the teachers there).  I've tried to help out where I can, but not being Catholic, I don't have as much of a dog in the hunt, so to speak, when it comes to influencing the Bishop on what steps he should take.  Nor can I really decide what is a "best use" of church property or funds, given that it's neither my church nor my funds.

Which leads to enormous frustration because, as folks who know me already are aware, I'm a grab the problem by the horns and wrestle it into submission kind of gal.

Above and beyond that, it's been raining a LOT this week, including today, and the dreary gray skies are bringing me down, And interfering with my daily walk routine, which is not helping in the buttocks reduction plan, now is it?

Hello, weather?  Get with the program. -- love, Christy's thighs.

The good news?  It's our anniversary today -- 17 years of marriage, still happily so, and its all gone by in the blink of an eye.  Amazing.

Whatever happens with the school issue, The Peanut will be fine.  She's bright, healthy and happy and we'll make the best of whatever comes.  It's just that I loathe uncertainty and conflict in pretty much any form, and I'm fighting my natural tendency to step in and solve the problem quickly because it truly isn't just my problem to solve.

Being a Type A mediator sort isn't always a plus, now is it? 

So what's a girl to do?  Put pen to paper, and do a bit of morning pages followed by some writing time if I can manage it today.  I need to pour out all this frustration and anxiety onto the page for everyone's sake, before my brain and my nerves explode from holding it all inside.

Maybe it's a writer thing, but just putting pen to paper is such instant zen.  Does it work that way for anyone else?

(Gorgeous photo via Diego.78.  Love, love, love this.)

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