Sunday, April 25, 2010

Things Are Looking Up

School play-o-rama is blessedly concluded.  Hallelujah.

For the last week, I have been running around like a crazy person.

My time was not my own, and although it was for a good cause and I'd do it all over again (and probably will next year when I help with costumes, make-up and scenery)...I'm going to be very glad for the quiet of my own home tomorrow.

Which leads me to the two things that have me thinking that things are looking up:

(1)  Did I mention I'm now down 17 pounds total?  Boo yah!

And it's come off in a healthy, sustainable, lifestyle change and not crash diet sort of way, which bodes well for me keeping it off.  (She types hopefully.)

(2)  I'm carving out writing time and gardening time tomorrow, come hell or high water.

Today, I'm snagging a little relaxation because I'm utterly exhausted from the week.  But tomorrow?  I hit the ground running.

Optimism.  It's a lovely thing indeed.

(As is this gorgeous photo of a Japanese White Eye taken in Taiwan.  Just beautiful!  via John&Fish.)

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