Thursday, April 29, 2010

In Search Of The Perfect Desk Chair

I need a new desk chair. 

One that is comfy enough that I can sit in it for long periods of time without (a) my legs going to sleep or (b) my butt doing the same.  But not one that is so comfy that I lounge in it instead of writing.

The key factor for me is comfort, honestly, because one of the downsides of lupus is that your joints wear out easily when stressed or strained. 

And right now?  I'm sitting on a kitchen chair with a small footstool to prop up my feet, and it is not working for me at all.  I realized about an hour into my writing day today that this is not going to work for the long haul.

Ideally, I'd love something that would support my hips and legs a bit, but I have no idea how to do that in a chair without just buying some sort of La-z-boy thing, and that just doesn't seem right for a desk chair, now does it?  Maybe I just need a higher footstool?

Anyone find a desk chair they think is perfect?  If so, do tell.

And pardon me while I walk around a little bit and try to wake my rear end up...

(Inadequate desk chair photo via Dean Terry.  Love the color, if not the actual chair.)

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