Monday, January 4, 2016

Light Dusting

Am thankful that I filled all of our bird feeders over the weekend.  This morning, we woke up to a light dusting of snow, after cold temperatures overnight, and the birds are already on the feeders in the half-light of morning, stuffing their beaks against the cold.

Winter has arrived, at least for the next few hours anyway, although the weather folks are saying there is potential for off and on snow all day.  I'll believe it when I see it, although there are bands of clouds scudding across the cold sky, high and fluffy with a dark underbelly full of potential frozen menace.

Maybe there is something to the "possible lake effect snow, bands may be heavy at times" forecast after all.

The Peanut has three -- 3! -- basketball games this week.  We'll be worn out by the end of it.  It seems like this school year is just whipping by, like a train careening forward with no breaks.  We just finished a long winter break, but I'm not certain how rested we are at the end of it.

Is anyone else feeling the same way or is it just me?

Whatever the feeling, it is back to work for me tomorrow.  Today will include finishing some of the things that didn't get done over the weekend and prepping some healthy food for the rest of the week -- with our busy schedule, I don't want that to be an excuse for falling off the healthy food wagon so early in the new year.

Enjoy your day, folks.  Hope yours is a little warmer than ours.  The fluffed out birdies are hoping for some more warmth here, too.

(Photo via KimManleyOrt.)

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