Thursday, July 31, 2014

I Love Bill Murray

I love Bill Murray.

There. I said it.

I have loved Bill Murray since his Saturday Night Live days.  He is an irreverent hoot with a softer edge when he drives home the comedic knife, a deft touch with his word skills but not too snotty about his intelligence quotient being so much higher than yours that it is off-putting, and a master of the well placed lifted eyebrown of scorn.  How can you not love that in a comedian?

It grew to a deeper and abiding respect after his turn in The Razor's Edge. He is flat out brilliant in it.

This new movie, St. Vincent, looks similarly amazing.

Lainey says it was a role written with Jack Nicholson in mind, but handed over to Bill Murray with Jack's blessing.  This has Oscar bait written all over it, doesn't it?  Love, love, love Bill Murray and can't wait to see this with Melissa McCarthy, too.

This is a movie that is seriously calling my name.  Someone pass the popcorn...

Blogger disclosure:  Links in this post may include links to my Amazon account.  Purchases made through these links on this blog contributes a few pennies to me, which are then used for purchases for the school library.  Thanks so much for all of your support!

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