Monday, January 13, 2014

Found By A New Kitty

Last night, The Peanut was finishing the glue dotting extravaganza that is her science project poster display and I was sitting at my iMac checking e-mail and puttering to stay out of the way.  (We've reached that stage where doing it yourself is important, and I am trying to tamp down on my perfectionist tendencies as a result.)

When lo and behold, a great and pitiful meowing began outside our sun room windows.  It wasn't a yowl, just a pitiful sort of "meow, meow, meow," but loud enough that I could hear it inside with music playing in the living room.

We went out to investigate.

This is what we found:  an adorable, little ginger tabby cat, no evidence of having been spayed as yet (think she may be too young?), no collar, and scrawny and starving and pitiful.

Because nothing says "finishing your science project that is due tomorrow" like finding a stray kitten, right?  Out I had to go to pick up some emergency kitty litter and kitten food, leaving The Peanut to type up the rest of her abstract -- which, I am proud to say, she did.

The Peanut fell in love with her on sight.  As you can see from the above photo, Roxie, our westie, is still withholding judgment.

We're headed out to see the vet this morning, to be certain that everything is okay before she gets the run of the house.  But she's already used the litter box, so I am taking that as a good sign.

You have to love kittens, don't you?  This one is seriously adorable and loves to just sit in your lap and purr contentedly away in the warmth of the house.  No idea how long she has been outside and on her own, but she was absolutely starving last night.  Now she has a full belly, a cozy towel to sleep on, and a wee girlie to give her lots of scratches.

Life is good.

UPDATE:  It's a healthy boy kitty, about 6 or 7 months old.  Let the naming begin...


Anonymous said...

That very lucky kitty cat found the right home and hearts. Such a beauty!

Elliott said...

oo what a handsome fella!

Lucky him for picking you.

Elliott said...

Soames or Lewis

altho you prolly already named him, but I'm throwing in my 2¢ nonetheless

Christy Hardin Smith said...

He's such a cutie, and has a very sweet disposition. So far, he and the pooch are getting along okay with limitations on things -- we're going to try some unfettered roaming this weekend when we are all home to supervise and, if all goes well, we'll be in excellent shape. It is pouring the snow here today and cold, and I am so glad we found him when we did. He's all cozy and warm and well fed this morning, and sleeping on a blanket near the heater. He absolutely loves sleeping in Fiona's room at night -- they have become best buddies, which is exactly what we wanted. :)

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Btw, it looks like the name will be "Sheldon."