Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Countdown to the Doctor Who Christmas Show...

We are on pins and needles at the Smith household for the Doctor Who Christmas special episode.

*pins and needles in a big, big way*

Hang on to your Christmas cracker paper crowns everyone, it's going to be a bumpy ride in the tardis!

(Speaking of which, The Peanut got a tardis Christmas ornament for the tree this year. And it is seriously spiffy!  Thank you, Santa!)


Ruth said...

Cannot do without the timely ornaments, hope it was much enjoyed.
(No 'Exterminate' ornaments?)

Christy Hardin Smith said...

We had a fantastic Christmas day, including the watching of much Doctor Who in the evening together. The Peanut and I plan on re-watching the Christmas episode again today -- the ending switch to Peter Capaldi was a bit abrupt, and we both want to re-watch and see if we missed something that we were too tired to notice last night. All in all, though, a great Christmas at our house! Hope yours was wonderful as well. :)