Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Thank You Of Mythic Proportions

We have begun our Greek mythology unit for the 5th and 6th grades, and it is thus far pretty exciting for the kids.  Any time I can get 10 to 12 year olds this revved up about reading classical literature in any form it makes me really happy.

You know what else makes me happy?

Being able to buy some classroom materials through the Amazon money generated from this little blog.  So a HUGE thank you to everyone who has used the Amazon link at the right hand side -- here's what I got with your help:

- Oh My Gods!: A Look-it-Up Guide to the Gods of Mythology (Mythlopedia) -- this has "10 to 12 year olds will love this!" written all over it. Can't wait for the kids to dive into this.

- Greek Myth Plays: 10 Readers Theater Scripts Based on Favorite Greek Myths -- can't wait to do the one on Atalanta with the kids before the winter olympics begin this year.

So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, to one and all for any purchases you have made here.  It really does add up for my classroom and I am incredibly grateful for your support.

I am also very happy to report that my horrible cold/bronchitis/ick has finally begun to diminish, thanks to a hefty application of various prescription medications and an attempt to actually get a little rest.

A special note of thanks to the reader who sent me a box of English tea from my wish list when I was in the throes of chemo -- it really has been the gift that keeps on giving, and has been an enormous comfort through this ick as well.  You are a sweetheart!

Blogger disclosure:  Links in this post may include links to my Amazon account.  Purchases made through these links on this blog contributes a few pennies to me, which are then used for purchases for the school library.  Thanks so much for all of your support!

(Photo of a bust of Asclepius via Jay.)

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