Monday, February 18, 2013

Good God, I Love Maggie Smith!

Did you see the interview that Steve Kroft did with Dame Maggie Smith on 60 Minutes before Sunday's tour de force Downton Abbey finale?

If not, you really should. She is marvelously forthright, humble and proud of her love of the craft of acting, all at once. In short, she is exactly what you would hope Maggie Smith would be...and I desperately want to have lunch with her and get her to dish about her amazing career and all the marvelous stories you know she has lurking about in there from all those amazing films and stage productions and such.

Truly, she is well worth the watching.

As is her advice in the "overtime" video extra on the CBS website. It's not just true for acting, but for all of life: your intention behind the WHY of what you are doing is always so much more meaningful than whatever it is that you actually do, isn't it? Enjoy!

(Huge H/T to kaiser at Celebitchy for posting both videos. After Sunday's finale episode, I needed a little more Maggie Smith to buck me up until the next season of Downton Abbey. Be forewarned, if you click through the link, you'll reach a land of a few spoilers...)

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