Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who Else Hates Packing?

No matter how many times I put together a packing list for a trip, there is always...ALWAYS...that nagging feeling that I am forgetting something important.

I hate packing.

It never seems like something that I do well, either.  I'm an over-packer.  It stems from being terrified that I'll forget something, I think, but I consistently over-stuff my suitcase.  And in an era where you pay extra for every single ounce?  That is not a good way to be.

So I'm fretting on the front end this time.  There has to be a better way to do this, but I have no idea what that might be.

But I am definitely looking forward to a few days in New Orleans in the near future, so I need to stop kvetching and just pack my suitcase, right?

(YouTube is Willy Nelson singing "On The Road Again" at the Grand Ole Opry.  Enjoy!)

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