Saturday, April 7, 2012

In Search Of The Perfect K-Cup

We bought a Keurig for the house last year, when our coffee maker died mid-winter.

Mr. ReddHedd has had one at his office for ages, and I loved the coffee that I had there.  But looking back, it may have been because the coffee at his office is so abysmal that anything from the Keurig seemed like the nectar of the Gods by comparison.

Since we purchased the one for the house, I've been on a quest to find my perfect K-Cup.

I like my coffee on the dark, rich, full-bodied tasting side.  I'm a French Roast kinda gal when I brew things up for myself, and I've been trying to find a K-Cup that could match up with that taste for me in the mornings.

Here are the ones I've tried thus far:

-- Tully's House Blend: love this coffee, full-bodied, smooth and perfect for first thing in the morning; very close to a perfect cuppa for me. I could drink this every day and never tire of it.

-- Donut House Light Roast Coffee: way too light for me, but my mother loves this one -- it is her perfect cuppa. So if you like your coffee more on the Maxwell House side of the line, this might be for you. (For me? Blergh...not so much.)

-- Timothy's World Coffee, Parisian Nights: this one is tough to find, so I have to order it online or do without, but it's got this sharp bite to the backtaste that reminds me of a good espresso and I love it. Not for everyday, but more of a treat, but it is wonderful with a little steamed milk. Delish!

-- Caribou Coffee Blend K-Cups: this is surprisingly tasty coffee, a really good day to day cuppa and one that we can readily find in bulk packs at our local Sam's Club, too, which is a plus living here in WV. This is our go to daily blend.

-- Timothy's World Coffee, Mocha Java: this one is also quite tasty, not a daily selection for me but more of a treat with a bit of a cocoa back bite to the taste that comes from the type of beans and not from added chocolate flavoring.

-- Speaking of flavored coffees, the one that I really like is Green Mountain Coffee Caramel Vanilla Cream. I've also tried a Southern Pecan that wasn't too horrid, but not something I'd want to drink regularly. Most of the flavored coffees that I have tried have been way too over the top for my taste buds -- I'd prefer a little more subtle and a lot less overly sweetened syrupy ick.

So, what are your faves? I'm always looking for a new one that is tasty -- which one is your "go to" flavor?

(Photo of a delicious looking cuppa coffee via rore.)

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