Sunday, April 29, 2012

Books To Love: The Sisters Grimm

Sometimes, you find a series of books that are so awesome, you wish you'd written them yourself.

That is true in spades for The Sisters Grimm.

We bought the first book in the series over spring break two weeks ago.  I am now on the last book of the series -- Book 9.  And The Peanut?  Is halfway through Book 6 and chugging away.

UPDATE:  The Peanut finished the 6th book while I was working on this post -- she read it in less than 24 hours even though it is a 304 page book! -- and is already chugging through Book 7 while munching on a peanut butter sandwich for lunch.  I love these books!!

These books are absolutely going in the school library when we are done with them.  The series is fantastic.

Long story short, two sisters appear to be orphaned by parents who disappear, and are then taken in by a grandmother they thought was already dead.  Her last name is Grimm.

As in Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm of fairy tale fame.

Hilarity, mysteries, and adventure ensue, as the Sisters Grimm are pulled from one fractured fairy tale into another and another and another.

I am 43 years old and I cannot put these books down.  The same is true for my 9 year old daughter.  Now that is some excellent reading!

Blogger disclosure:  Links in this post may include links to my Amazon account.  Purchases made through these links - or through the Amazon search engine in the right hand column on this blog - contribute a few pennies to me, which are then used for purchases for the school library.  Thanks so much for all of your support! 

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