Monday, February 27, 2012

Arrietty Is Well Worth Seeing!

We finally got out to see The Borrower Arrietty yesterday afternoon. The Peanut and I loved it!

This is definitely one we will want to see again!

When we heard that Studio Ghibli was doing an Arrietty movie, we were thrilled.  Miyazake's storytelling is always full of wonder, and this movie lived up to our expectations with it's gorgeous artwork and attention to the little details.  Especially by leaving Arrietty's spunk intact.

We read The Borrowers a couple of years ago together as our summer reading, devouring a few pages at bedtime and a chapter here and there in the afternoons on rainy weather days.

I highly recommend choosing a longer, more difficult storybook like this as a family summer reading project with your kids.  The Peanut and I do one every summer and we both get a lot out of just sitting quietly and reading out loud together.  Not least of which because I get to revisit some of my old favorites as she gets to know them for the first time.

There is something magical about the original Borrowers book, and the following books in the series as well. The thought of little people living in our houses, side by side with us and never knowing it?  That's just brilliant storytelling for a child's ripe fantasy-laden imagination, isn't it?

The Peanut was absolutely enchanted by the book -- as was I at her age -- and we've been doing little things for the borrowers that could be living in our house ever since.  She still makes little paper books for them and, occasionally, they will take them and write her a thank you note.  (Imagination is fun, even for big people.)

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