Sunday, December 4, 2011

Seeking More Light

It has been a rough last few weeks.  Biopsy after biopsy, and then waiting for days on end for results, watching as the clock ticked by the minutes while I wasn't able to fall asleep only to get up the next day and begin again.

No matter how much sleep I've tried to catch up on the last few days, it hasn't been nearly enough.

This holiday season is truly the most exhausting one I can remember.  I'm actually done with my shopping and wrapping for the most part, we're firming up plans for family present exchange times and dates...and yet, I'm still feeling rushed and exhausted from it.

It may just be the way of the season this year, given the circumstances.  But that doesn't mean I can't do a few things to help myself along.

First off, a little thing that I can do today:  I'm going to take some time to do my nails.  It's not much, but it's something I can see and it won't take a lot of time to do.  Yet it is always a pick me up when my hands look nice instead of raggedy and chipped.

This week, I'm going to concentrate on organizing the public space downstairs.  Our open-ish floor plan is fantastic in terms of all of us being able to be together even when we are in different rooms.  But it also means that clutter in one room is really clutter in all of them in terms of my line of sight.  So this week will be dedicated to clutter busting and organization in between all the dance practices, school activities, recitals and family obligations.

I'm hoping by the end of the week to get us somewhere noticeably more centered and stress-free.  Or at least well on the way.

Say it with me:  a little bit at a time can add up to a big difference.

I'm also going to try to cut myself a little bit of a break.  I did, after all, have surgery not too long ago and my back is still healing from the deep bruising that occurred.  It makes it a challenge to do anything really strenuous -- I'm still not okay to vacuum, for example -- but I can do some basic pick up and throw away chores and get the rest of the family help as well.  We'll all benefit from things being tidied and decluttered...and will really benefit from it when the snow begins to fly and we get stuck inside for days on end.

For my part, I'm looking forward to that point where I am green lighted for a nice, hot soak in the tub -- bubble bath, here I come!  (Just not for another couple of weeks, I'm afraid...)  I'm going to try to build in some light into my insane schedule this week -- consciously taking 15 minutes with a cup of hot tea and some Bach cello concerto music on my iPod; lighting a lovely scented candle and enjoying how it's spicy goodness permeates the living room; writing in my journal in the quiet of the empty house.

What are you doing for your sanity savers this week?  Make time for something every day -- you deserve it!

(Photo via anlopelope.)


Sharon Smith said...

I'm on vacation this week and am not really planning anything.
An organizer I once saw on tv advised not to attack the project all at once, but to do it in 15-30 minute segments.
Get rest, do what you can and when you are snowed in there will be time to do indoor tasks.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

I've done the short segments bit with an egg timer, Sharon -- it's especially helpful when I'm getting The Peanut to clean with me, because we make it a race before the timer dings. (If only I would videotape it, it is hilarious!)

I've just been way too tired the last couple of weeks to do much of anything strenuous. Although my mind is ready to get back to normal, my body is going slowly. It's irritating, but there we are. I need to ease up and just realize that things are what they are and stop worrying about it. Easier said than done sometimes, you know?