Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Brief Pause

It's a catch up day here today.

Lots of laundry and a load of dishes washing, a cleaned out cat box making our small, furry critter very happy...and The Peanut finally seems like she has turned the corner with this icky upper respiratory crud.  Thank goodness.

Now that I can move around a bit -- and while Mr. ReddHedd is home to tote laundry baskets around for me -- I'm trying to make a little household headway today.

But in my mind's eye?  It's a beach day.  Who couldn't use a lovely stroll with some crashing surf and glorious shells to tempt you as you walk nearby?

Hope your weekend has been a relaxing one.

(Photo via Thomas Hawk.  Gorgeous, with a very Monet feel to it.)

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