Monday, December 12, 2011

Alan Rickman Truly Deserves An Oscar Nomination (And A Golden Globe)

We re-watched Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows, Part II.

Alan Rickman's performance brought me to tears yet again. When he climbs the stairs and finds Lily Potter's crumpled body, the anguish and pain are palpable, but so masterfully done that you almost stand in Snape's shoes as you watch him feel the initial shock of the pain and then watch it crash over him and bring him to his knees.

Brilliant, brilliant performance by Alan Rickman.

The point where he sees Harry after having been dispatched by Voldemort, but has enough strength left to give Harry the memories for the pensieve?  And at the last moment says to Harry that he has his mother's eyes?  Made me seriously weepy all over again, just as it did the first time around.

If Alan Rickman doesn't get an Oscar nod this year, there is no justice.  Same for a Golden Globe.

Do you know he has never even been nominated for an Oscar for a role in his brilliant career?  It is well past time.

Please.  Alan Rickman deserves an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe -- he was sublime, brilliant and hauntingly, painfully perfect as Snape in this last film.  Daniel Radcliffe agrees as well.  Recognize Alan Rickman's genius, won't you?

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