Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oh! Goodies!

Just taking a moment this morning to feel thankful, to be thankful, for all the goodies in my life.

At the moment, The Peanut is playing a Toy Story game on her DSi, our westie is freshly lawned, and my second cuppa coffee is nice and warm.  Life is good here.

Our Christmas tree is mostly decorated -- we got it up and began the trimming before my surgery, because I feared that if things went awry there would be no tree until just before Christmas if at all this year.  We have a few more decorations to put on the bottom and around the sides, and then it will be time for the gloriously shiny star topper.

The rest of the household decor will come along as I get the energy to drag it out of the Christmas closet.

But, if nothing else, we at least have the tree this year and our little "Be Jolly" saying on the living room bookshelf.  Will have to snap a pix of this for everyone -- it really does make you feel like being jolly, which is why The Peanut and I bought it for the house a couple of years back on a dreary, gray, freezing day.  We needed a boost...and this does the trick.

There may be another loaf of homemade bread in our future today.  Thank you bread machine which was my birthday present a few years back, which makes bread making possible with a slightly healed gash under my left shoulder blade.  It just makes the house smell so gloriously delicious while it bakes.

If all goes well, there may be a trip to the store in my future today to get what I need to make delicious, rich and hearty turkey stock for the rest of my Thanksgiving cooking.

Honestly?  I think I just need a few minutes out of the house.  Snug as it is here, cabin fever has begun to set in a bit and that's not good.

I did manage to get out a little bit yesterday, but only to the doctor's office for a bandage change and wound check and then straight back home from there.   Convalescing is not for sissies, is it?  I may, indeed, sneak out for a little bit today but, more likely, I'll send Mr. ReddHedd out with a list whilst I clean out the fridge to make space for pans of stuffing and mashed potatoes to be staged a day ahead of the feast.

Have to conserve my energy for the important stuff like cooking, right?  Our westie, Roxie, hopes that I remember to drop bits of meat on the floor for scavenging pooches.  Because I'm easy, I probably will.

Hope life is treating all of you well.

(Photo by Christy Hardin Smith.)

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