Monday, October 17, 2011

Our Latest Trick...Or Treat

My 43rd birthday is fast approaching, and I am feeling every single year of it this time around.  Not in an "OMG, I'm getting so old!" kind of way, but more in an "OMG, I'm feeling so old" way.

So this year, instead of asking for some frivolous bauble or geegaw, when asked what I wanted for my birthday, I said I wanted a Vitamix.

How 1950s of me, right?

It seems kind of odd to ask for a kitchen appliance, I know, but in my mind getting to a place where we are healthier means more in the long run than some jewelry or clothing.  Frankly, I'm just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and I'm hoping more fruit and veggies in our diet will help me kick that feeling to the curb.

I've wanted one for years and years, but could not justify the cost of one to myself until the higher cost of our health balanced it out in my mind.  We need more healthy food in our bodies, and this seems like a great way to make that food for the whole family.

Especially when you add in the fact that The Peanut loves smoothies.  But not with seedy bits in them.  And since the Vitamix pulverizes the heck out of the seedy bits, it seemed a perfect match for our house.

The Vitamix arrived at our house last week, and it's already been put to work making smoothies using frozen strawberries and blueberries, fresh pineapple, baby spinach, vanilla whey powder and various juices.  They've been delish, and a great way to start out the day.  I've also made some broccoli, leek and potato soup that was a big hit as well.

It's going to take some adjustments for us, but my hope is that we incorporate far more fresh veggies and fresh fruits into our day to day meals.  More fiber and nutrient-dense foods have to be a good thing, right?

(Photo via talkoftomatoes.  Recipe for the yummy-looking smoothie can be found here.)

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