Tuesday, October 18, 2011

De-Cluttering And Renewal

Trying to get my house in order is an ongoing process, it seems, because nothing ever stays truly clean for long.  It is a constant battle between my need for less chaos and the temptation of resting any and everything on flat surfaces.

At the moment, the temptation of the flat surfaces seems to be winning.

But I have a plan.

I've spent the last week or so clearing out the dross:  going through clothing and sorting it into things that go back into drawers and closets and things that go into a rather large (and overflowing at the moment) donation bin.  These will be going out to charity donation later in the week after I teach tomorrow.

Yesterday, I ran around the house with a trash bag and recycling bin and threw out obvious bits of junky clutter:  the inevitable McDonalds happy meal toys that collect as remnants of having an 8-year-old in the house (although far fewer than there used to be because we've been eating a much more healthy, homemade diet these days); old school papers; scattered newspaper remnants; an assortment of half-finished craft project cast-offs; and all sorts of other odd little bits and pieces that came from who knows where.

And I learned this:  we buy a lot of junky crap on impulse.  That has to stop.

I've also been going through closets and drawers and casting out old, useless dreck.  Just going through my make-up and ridding myself of expired or too old products was an eye opener.  Literally.  I had four separate opened and expired tubes of mascara and another unopened one, all scattered about the bathroom from various trips in the last few years where I'd forgotten a mascara and gotten another one on the road, and then forgotten that it was stashed in a travel bag...my brain is a sieve, clearly.

Why do all of this now?

Because winter is coming.  Once it hits, we'll be inside a lot, hibernating from the ice and sleet and snowy nastiness, and I'd like the "inside" to be a less chaotic and cluttered place to be.  For my own sanity, if nothing else.

Some people do spring cleaning, I do it this time of year.

It's a sort of almost-birthday present to myself:  the gift of more sanity, more space, and a little renewal.

(Photo via Christopher_Hawkins.  Lovely, isn't it?)

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