Monday, August 15, 2011

Sing It With Me...

There is a new-ish Shania Twain song, that had some its backstory told during her "Why Not?" bio-journey on Oprah's new network over the summer.

Since I'm a sappy sucker for that sort of storyline -- especially when personal growth and triumph over adversity take front and center -- I TIVO'd the whole thing. I realized a couple of things: (1) no matter how gorgeous, famous and enormously popular you may be, if you don't love yourself enough to take care of your own needs, you don't have diddly; and (2) this song sticks in my brain, and I catch myself humming it all the time.

So, on this first day of teacher's meetings leading p to the first day of school on Wednesday, I give you "Today Is Your Day."

Seemed appropriate. And now you can sing along with me...

If you need me, I'll be shelving at the library.


Anonymous said...

When I saw this, I thought of you and your new gig at the school library. (I read the blog occasionally, but don't comment if I have nothing to add).
Anyway, these "books" may be too much work, but with help, they might be worth doing for a special occasion at school, or a Peanut birthday..

Looking forward to hearing how the school kids pick up your passion for reading.
Tejanarusa(from FDL)/Cheryl

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Those are adorable! The Peanut would have a blast making them -- thanks so much for sharing! btw, photos are above of the (mostly) finished library. Still a lot of work to do, but at least the decor and first pass on shelving got done before school began today.