Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few Moments Of Whimsy

On an otherwise dreary, soggy day, I thought a little whimsy and some laughs might be good for everyone.

And so?  I share some links of interest -- sprinkled with some amusement -- for us all:

-- Only in New Yawk.

-- The bottom line about packaged "healthy" foods for kids?  Most aren't so healthy.  And while we're talking food, let's hear a round of applause for the GAO talking tough about real food standards for a change.  About time.

-- If you had to sum up your goals for this year in one word, what would it be?   Not as easy as it sounds at first, is it?

-- I admit it.  I am wholly addicted to Bookshelf Porn.  (And I want to peruse Karl Lagerfeld's personal library.  It's amazing.)

-- And now for another episode in Unfortunate Lessons in Flash Photography.  It's called a camisole, check into it.

-- While I'm thinking about it, so sad.  And not in a good way.  Just saying. And also?  No.

-- I love The Onion.

What's making you laugh today?  Do share...

(Gorgeous photo via ecstaticist.  Love this!)

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