Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Under The Sea

Have you heard about the just completed first Census of Marine Life?  They may have discovered 6,000 additional species in the world's oceans.  Amazing stuff.

Just look at some of the photos of discoveries made in this tiny beginning to understanding the seas that surround us. 

The world around us is a magical place, isn't it?

Watch the YouTube above for just a tiny glimpse of the vastness of the ocean and its inhabitants. It's from a BBC production that was broadcast here by Discovery Channel. I can remember the first viewing wonder of watching BBC's Blue Planet series.


Just mind-blowingly amazing stuff to watch. Maybe it is because I've always been intrigued by the ocean, and had an affinity for learning everything I can about it, but shows like that are mesmerizing for me.  Just as the old The Jacques Cousteau series always were for me as well.

The thought that we might be coming closer to any sense of understanding of the vastness of the seas is mind-boggling enough.  That it might bring us the wisdom to make better choices for the planet?  Well, wouldn't that be a nice bonus.

National Geographic has more.

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