Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quick Southwestern Rice Side Dish

I finally bought a new desk chair today, after giving away the older La-Z-Boy recliner that I'd been using as a temporary seat.  It was way too low and it made writing for any length of time uncomfortable, even though it was really comfy as a plain old chair.

We just couldn't fit it well into the living room any longer without overcrowding everything.  So I found it a new home with someone who could really use it.

And managed to find myself a new desk chair that has memory foam in it, so my achy joints are much happier at a much better height for typing.

I found it, of all places, at Sam's Club several weeks ago, but waited to buy it until we had gotten the recliner out of the way, which happened this morning.  Finally.  When we went over to get my desk chair, we found that the one we purchased was the last one they had.

Clearly it is a popular chair, and I'm thrilled I managed to get one.  So is my back, because it has an awesome back support feature, too.

While we were there, we picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner this evening.

I love the rotisserie chickens from Sam's Club; they are tender, moist and nicely flavored, and the skin comes off easily for a less fatty meal.  Plus, they make for a light cooking day for me.

But, when we got home, I couldn't figure out what to serve with it.  Sure, we can have a salad -- but what else?

I rummaged through the fridge and found some brown rice that I'd cooked earlier in the week that was still good.  So I mixed the rice together with some salsa fresca that we had -- freshly chopped onions, tomatoes, bits of jalapeno and tomatillo and some freshly chopped cilantro, along with a can of pinto beans that I rinsed and drained and some thawed corn kernels.  I heated all of this up in the microwave, and splashed on a bit of lime juice at the end.

It was delish!  And so easy, I can't believe I haven't thought about this before with leftover rice.

Plus, I can have some int he morning with scrambled eggs.  Yummy!  So yummy that I had to share.

(Photo via TheDeliciousLife.)

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