One of The Peanut's best friends at school has decided to go to a different school this year. The Peanut is completely devastated, as only a 7 year old can be. Even though she has other friends in her class, she is feeling this loss keenly.
Remember how enormous everything seemed when you were younger?
Every problem is so vast and looming in front of you at that age because you lack the perspective that age brings that loads and loads of things in life are utter and complete crap, but it is the good in life that really needs to be savored and the rest of it needs to just be slogged through until you get to the other side of it. When good comes, it may not stay but you might as well enjoy the lovely ride while it lasts and then its memories can sustain you on the gray days.
I still struggle with that myself at times.
7 is a tough age: the emotional maturity isn't there, but the feelings are there nonetheless. She knows she is being teased by someone older or left out by others or whatever day to day child stressor shows up on her radar, but has no idea how to handle it at the time or later as the emotions crash over her. It doesn't help that she's intellectually sharp, but emotionally behind a lot of her classmates. Or that she's a really sensitive child.
And as her momma? I just want to make it better, to fix it for her and shelter her from the hurt and, even though I know that is irrational and impossible, I can't help myself.
My father said to me when The Peanut was born that "having a child is like having your heart walking around outside your body." It is so true in so many ways.
She's socially behind and emotionally still very volatile because she is so sensitive, and I have no idea how to help with that other than soothe her hurts when they come and let her work on this as she matures and grows. But that is awfully hard, I have to say, and isn't nearly satisfying in terms of helping in the moment. (Being a momma is really hard!)
In any case, I'm working on a compilation of fun songs for her that we can dance to, sing to and just plain be silly with this weekend. She needs it and, after all the whining, moping and sniffles, I need it, too.
Via her ballet teacher, we recently discovered Ingrid Michaelson.
The song in the YouTube above -- "Be OK" is a hoot and wonderful for lifting a mood almost instantly. There have to be a bunch of other songs that do the same. Would love suggestions from everyone to add to the "Fiona's Fun Mix" file. What songs lift your mood?
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