Thursday, September 30, 2010

Battle On, Dude!

Some days?

Don't you just wake up feeling like you are fighting way too many humongous battles, way too many insurmountable problems thrown in your path?

As though the universe has decided to test you while giving itself a good ole belly laugh?

Am having one of those days today:  fever, two fingers on my left hand are stuck even after my meds have kicked in partly because I slept on one side all night long last night and pissed off my arm in the process, Mr. ReddHedd is out of town on business so there was no crawling back into bed again because I am the parent on duty without back-up at the moment, and I have to drive to my doctor's appointment with one hand in the rain.

It is to laugh.

Which is why I'm sharing Darth Vader here.  This picture cracked me up this morning, so much so that I almost spewed coffee on my sweater.

Laugh away, universe -- I refuse to kneel in surrender, no matter what ginormous cat you throw in my path.

UPDATE:  As it turns out, the stuck finger thing is not just a "the way things are with lupus" issue.  It has a name!  I have stenosing tenosynovitis -- or "trigger finger" -- and have to go and see an occupational therapist to help reduce the inflammation before my fingers stick permanently and require surgery.  I'm feeling so Al Capone now.

(Photo via kevindooley.  LOVE this shot!  Hilarious.)

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