Monday, August 2, 2010

Staying Ahead Of The Next Crash

It's probably a combination of exhaustion from all the travel and then getting sick on the way home...and then working two straight days in the heat on the yard sale.

But I'm beat and achy.

What's more, I haven't had the energy or the drive (or even time!) lately to keep up with eating well, which means I feel even more oogy and tired.  Sadly, I know better, but here I am.

So, what's a girl to do?

What I could really use is a clone -- or perhaps a personal trainer, gourmet healthy chef and live-in masseuse...but I'm not a movie star, so that's not going to happen either.  Let's get real, taking care of yourself and your family while you actually do other things is not easy.  But there has to be a better way than what I've done the last coupla weeks.

So, I'm sitting here this morning trying to come up with a plan on how to manage this in a way that lends itself to long-term success, not just short term hiccups forward and then twenty steps backward when I wear out.

I'll settle for something that works as a life change -- I don't need perfection, just steady improvement.

So I'm asking you all:  what has worked best for you if you have made healthy changes for the better?   How do you juggle all the things you do and need to do for yourself, your family, your home, your work, and everything in between?

How did you take off the pounds you lost?  And, more importantly, how have you kept them off?  How did you make the fundamental shift in your mind to make it happen -- and keep making it happen?

How did you better organize yourself, your life and everything in between?  How do you  keep up without just running yourself ragged?  Or, better yet, how do you find better balance so that you never get to that point?

It seems like so many people I know struggle with this.  I wish I had better answers other than I keep trying to muddle through as best I can, so I'm hoping some of you have found something that works well and will be willing to share your secrets on it.

Please.  Do tell.

(Photo via Paulo Brandão.  Just a gorgeous shot!)


danny said...

Do enough of your chores so you feel some sense of accomplishment, but don't get down on yourself for not completing a task 100%.

Take time off to do nothing, meditate, read, play with the kid. It is way too hot to be "working" all of the time.

Stay hydrated and sleep when needed.

barbara said...

Calendar "Christy time" every, single day. Doesn't have to be a mongo chunk. But does have to carry the same weight as all the other tugs. Kinda, sorta inviolable. Then do as I say....well, you know the rest. But I know it's brilliant advice! :)