Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And Now, A Break From The Usual

Love this song: "Caravanserai" by Loreena McKennitt.

It always reminds me of so much of the reading I've done on Afghanistan and all the other stops along the Silk Road.

To quote from Colin Thubron's "Shadow of the Silk Road:"

Yet to follow the Silk Road is to follow a ghost. It flows through the heart of Asia, yet it has officially vanished, leaving behind it a pattern of its restlessness: counterfeit borders, unmapped peoples. The road forks and wanders wherever you are. It is not a single road, but many: a web of choices.

I love his writing, and he really brings his journey along the Silk Road to life in such a way that it feels as though you are along for the ride, chasing history's ghosts across the Caucasus and into the ancient beating heart of Asia itself.

Loreena McKennitt taps into that feeling as well with this song.  Just a beautiful melody that pulls you along an ancient path.  Lovely stuff.

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