Friday, July 9, 2010

Fighting Inertia

Lately, the weather has been hot.  As in HAWT hot.

With temperatures in the mid to upper 90s and humidity out the wazoo, the morning walks that The Peanut and I had been taking?  Not really happening.

Even the dogs look miserable when they visit the yard, so you know it's disgusting out there.

We've been waking up to temperatures already in the upper 70s and rising quickly, and that does not play well with my lupus.  I'm achy, in the middle of a low-grade flare, and feeling hugely full of fluid as I slosh around the house.


All that work to get healthier?  And it gets sidetracked by hot weather and crappy joints.

So, the question is:  what can I do to keep the momentum going instead of backsliding?  We're still eating relatively well -- although I could certainly tweak that a bit -- but the exercise portion of my program has fallen by the wayside.

But it occurred to me this week that we have our Wii Fit.  And access to streaming Netflix videos via our TIVO.  And so?  I have no excuses.

I can do gentle movement right now -- yoga, pilates, walking, etc. -- and I can find ways to do just that with what we already have.   So no excuses.

I've been feeling seriously frustrated lately because my body is at a sort of plateau that I haven't been able to break through for a couple of weeks now.  I need to lose a bit more weight, but it isn't coming off without exercise...and my lupus issues have made any meaningful exercise next to impossible because moving hurts.

Getting older is not for sissies, is it?

Here's the thing, though:  I woke up this morning all achy and swollen, and yet my brain is saying "do it anyway."  And so I'm going to just do it anyway today and see where that gets me.  I fight that instinct to curl up in a ball and do nothing and rest because it seems like I'm too young to have that become my life -- and my brain say that it is giving up instead of really living.  But physically?  I can't go for a run any more or do weights (at the moment anyway while I'm having a flare) like I used to do.  And I have to come to terms with that, too.

But today, I'm swollen so much that I had to yank my wedding rings off my fingers yesterday or face circulation issues in them because they'd gotten so tight.  Which is going to make my Weight Watchers weigh-in pretty darned interesting today.  SIGH

Sorry for the whinefest, but I'd give just about anything today for less inflammation and swelling.  So I could use a little inspiration or laughter.  Anyone got a story to share that fits the bill?

In the meantime, I'm going to sit down and plan a healthy menu for us.  If nothing else, I can at least control what goes into my system and make sure it's the healthiest possible choice for me.  That's something I can control and is well worth doing.

(Fantastic runner shot via Daniel Zanini H.  Love this -- you can almost here the shoes hitting the pavement, can't you?  Brilliant work.)

1 comment:

Molly said...

Your Greek chicken tonight for dinner. Can't wait....yum.