Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Day All Dachshunds Dread

The dogs are certain that something bad is about to happen.

They have been smack dab on top of me all morning.  So much so that getting up to refill my coffee a few minutes ago was hilarious, because our oldest -- PJ, who is now 14 -- was clinging to my lap as I tried to stand up.

We've gotten out the suitcases for packing, you see.  Which clearly means the world as we know it is about to end.

We're going out to visit Mr. ReddHedd's family in Arizona, and so today is packing day for clothes.  I've gotten travel bags packed and ready for carry-on activities and my laptop, which has been unsettling enough for doggies.

But the big suitcase came out this morning. 

Oh, the horror.

Isn't it funny how doggies just know?  Cats, too, but our cat just stomps off and ignores me with a frosty glare for daring to leave her and not cater to her every whim.  The dogs on the other hand act as though their very existence is about to wink out if we are not here, even though our pooch sitter is fantastic with them and they love her.

I have a feeling that every time I land on a chair or couch today, I'm going to be covered in doggies.

(Photo via David Masters.)


Pade said...

Hi Christie,

I was delighted to find your blog the other day. I have lots of experience with "A Day All Dachshunds Dread" - mine all get excited when I get the RV out to pack. I went to a seminar given by Beatrice Lydecker(an animal communicator)about 20 years ago. She said that animals communicate by visualizations. It has many times since made sense to me.

Have a great trip.

Christy Hardin Smith said...

Communication by visualization makes so much sense. I never thought about it that way, Pade, but it absolutely rings true with our dogs anyway.


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