Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sneaking A Little Writing In My Day

I am woefully behind the schedule I had established for myself on the novel writing

The Peanut's school closing crisis (which was mercifully averted) along with one crisis after another have put writing on the backburner one time too many.

But no longer.

Come hell or high water, there will be writing today.   And every day thereafter.

I've got the draft uploaded to a mini-notebook computer which can easily travel with me wherever I do go.  And it will be going with me everywhere from now until completion.

I have writing issues.  I like things to be quiet and to have the space to reach my mind out beyond where I am to where the story is.

When your 7 year old is home for the summer?  When your dogs are on a constant yard visit rotation?  When dinner needs making or someone calls on the phone or...well, life gets in the way of that.

I need to just make peace with that fact and write anyway.  Because you know what?  Life is always going to try to get in the way.

This story is demanding to be written.  So screw the waiting for a perfect time and place and moment for writing.  It's never going to be perfect.  So why not now?

Why not now, indeed.

(Gorgeous photo of a clownfish seemingly playing peek-a-boo via josh-n.  Love this shot!)

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