Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend Fun

We're taking The Peanut to see her first musical this evening.  I hope seven is old enough to appreciate Annie, especially a precocious seven.

But I'm most hopeful she'll be able to sit through the entire production.  Everyone has to have a first show sometime, right? 


RevDeb said...

Hi Redd.

Saw my brother do a concert with Anne Hills. If you don't know her stuff you would love it. Anyway she did a song called My Daughter and Vincent Van Gough and I thought of you and the Peanut. It's on the Points of View disc at Very nice.

And the Peanut will love Annie. I was taken to shows as a kid and I was hooked.

hugs to you.

Suzanne said...

so, how did it go?

Christy Hardin Smith said...

It was fantastic -- we all had a blast. Although we learned that a matinee will likely be a much better choice for the next few years, since she was worn out by the time the end of the show at 10-ish rolled around. But she loved it, and sang along at the end. Yay!