Friday, May 7, 2010

Something That We Do

It's a crazy busy day here today -- health fair at The Peanut's school, eye appointment early this morning because my eyes have begun to suck even worse than they did the last time I got them checked (getting old is not for the weak), my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and we're having a sleepover here this evening and I have a house that needs straightening.

And today?  For whatever reason, I'm feeling that edginess about having to do fifty bazillion things for everyone else which constantly shoves my own projects and needs way down the list.  My people pleasing ways are chafing at me this morning.

Yep, one of those days.

So I thought a little reminder of why I have such a wonderful life was in order.

This song was a huge hit for Clint Black back in the day.  It describes the approach that Mr. ReddHedd and I have taken to life and love to a tee, which is why we play it on occasion for a date night dance.

It really is the lyrics that make Something That We Do -- and for that, Skip Ewing gets the credit as much as Clint Black.  I love most of Skip Ewing's song for their lyrical simplicity -- he gets right to the heart of things in spare prose instead of lengthy, nonsensical allegory.  You have to love that, don't you?

I found a YouTube of Skip Ewing and Clint Black singing Something That We Do, and it was so good, I had to share it.  The quality of the video is a little grainy, but the joy that both of them get in the music is infectious.  Enjoy.

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